August 20, 2010

Sunday Stories

Friday night, and feeling kinda whacked!! I think I would have crashed and fallen asleep by now if I didn't need to wait up for my now teenage daughter to come home from youth.

So while I'm waiting...I haven't popped by yet to tell you about the 2 cool stories that happened at church last Sunday night:

The first was a beautiful picture I got of my children during worship....We were standing singing; 'From the inside out Lord my soul cries out..", my littlest boy in front of me raising his hands in mine, when I saw gold gently flowing from heaven and swirling over each of my children as they stood in the presence of God... little bits of that gold falling and solidifying in each of them. 
I got it, I believe God was showing me that as I bring my children to His house and an atmosphere of His presence, He is forming something solid and of value within their lives and hearts: Gold!!

I love this picture Ps 84 paints too;
"Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young— a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God" (v3)

What a beautiful place to raise our young! Sometimes it's a circus getting my four through the doors, but oh so worth it! Ha I'm the mum whose boy is giving his brother a wedgie, red undies pulled as high as his head at the front entrance of church with crowds looking on!!

Anyway, after the service finished I gathered the kids and as we were all walking back to the car I stopped Lij in his tracks, pointing out what he had just stepped on: a $5 note! There was no one around us who could dropped it, so it was his for the taking! We stood laughing and amazed because just that night Lij had really wanted to, and gave every cent he had into the offering; all $5 of it!

"...I will pour out my spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams. One will say; 'I belong to the Lord'...still another will write on his hand 'The Lords'..." Isaiah 44:3-5

August 13, 2010

Donna's wisdom for singles...

I so enjoyed Donna Crouch's message yesterday at Sisterhood; 'Wisdom for life!' Within it some of her thoughts on being single!

"Being single is not about filling in time until you meet someone.
Step out! 
Don't hold back from who you want to be."

Donna who was single (I think?!) into to early 30's went on to share how when she got married she had an old clapped out fridge that froze the lettuce and how she had been too scared to get a mortgage on her own. She was waiting for all these things to fall into place once she met and married.

She spoke too, of the day a friend and herself faced their singleness head-on asking;

"What if I'm going to be single for the rest of my life? 
If so, what kind of life do I therefore want to live?"

Her friend who was longing for babies then went through the process of resigning from her job and providing respite care for foster babies.

I'm so glad God's has been nudging me along...
To build a great life for the kids and I no matter what!
Like Donna said I'm not going to wait around for a man to come sweep me off my feet before I start living the life I want to live!!

"If God wants you THERE He will take you THERE... in the meantime enjoy HERE on the way to THERE'-Christine Caine

Planting seeds for the future
Daring to dream
Having mission
Going on adventures
Learning new things
Embracing the opportunities that come with being single!

"I commend the enjoyment of life.." !! Ecceles 8:15

August 05, 2010

The start of something new

I've been feeling this week like there's a shift in the air; a new season beginning to bud and burst through!

My prayer lately has been; "Lord direct my heart like a watercourse wherever You please" ~ ~ ~

Bobbie Houston said at Sisterhood United recently; "Pay  attention  to  what  moves  your  heart"
...and then do something to be part of the solution!

There has also been a challenge to take aim in my life...

"Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air" 1 Cor 9:26

Purpose, direction, vision >>> without which I'd fall back and live a sloppy life!

"If you aim at nothing you will hit it everytime"-Zig Ziglar

One thing I've started targeting is a home of our own. In the natural it's a fairly impossible dream, but with God's help I am confident it can be done. Ha I even had a mortgage broker come over last night :)

Small beginnings, baby steps forward (In terms of a house most likely an itsy apartment to begin with!)
...but "Wahoo!!" from tiny seeds amazing things have the potential to grow >> if  those seeds are planted!

"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle for you do not know which will suceed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well" Eccles 11:6

I want to give God something to work with in my life, knowing he can take what I offer and do exceedingly more than I could ever hope or dare dream for!!!