April 19, 2010

Autumn leaves

Things to do in Autumn...

~Host a potluck dinner
~Play scrabble
~Go apple picking
~Cook something with cinnamon
~Climb trees
~Follow a TV Show
~Make a big pot of homemade soup
~Jump in a pile of leaves
~Borrow cooking & home magazines from the library
~Get out hiking or biking
~Light the candles
~Enjoy a walk
~Snuggle up under Grandma's blankets
~Have a long bubble bath
~Go fishing
~Invite friends over for a costume party
~Make a recipe book of tried and true favourites

Please add to our list! I'll write your ideas up here...

~Go for a neighbourhood walk and collect the best leaves you see
~Paint a picture of the tree and stick your leaves onto it
~make french toast for tea (with cinnamon)

~Play in the rain
~Toast marshmallows
~Paint a new picture on a big canvas


Simoney said...

~Go for a neighbourhood walk and collect the best leaves you see
~Paint a picture of the tree and stick your leaves onto it
~make french toast for tea (with cinnamon)
Mmmmm... I love autumn. my favourite season. xx

banban said...

- Play in the rain (if it rains)
-Toast marshmellows (somehow with out lighting a fire??)
-Paint a new picture on a big canvas (and blog about it so we can see it then sell it to me)