December 21, 2008

Christmas bubble

I keep looking at it on our little tree, thankful....

Last year I was inspired by a Christmas tradition of Chelle's;

"Every year, we try to get that one special ornament to reflect the year"

Our lovely silvery-grey cat Tiara was very sick and died in 2007. I managed to find a decoration for the tree that looked just like her and we scribbled 07 on the back in memory.

This year i browsed through the decorations at Myer, laughing to some friends later that it was quite a spiritual experience! "Oh my goodness it's 'the bubble'

You see with all the craziness that's gone on this year I believe God's given me a very special promise...

First the amazing Gail described to me how she kept getting a picture of the kids and I in a bubble...going through a battlefield, yet protected, coming out "unscathed"; 'Not injured or harmed; not hurt; safe and sound.'

Then a family friend Ross F (Who doesn't even know Gail) came up to me after church one Sunday morning. He explained how during the service he looked down at myself and the kids and saw that God had put us in a bubble and everything that pressed against it, just bounced off.

Amazing! I so hold on to that promise, especially for my kids. As I look at the bubble on the tree I'm reminded to keep praying God's protection over their lives and that they would miraculously come through this whole horrendous ordeal 'unscathed'

We hung it on the tree together and spoke of it's meaning, thanking God for looking so wonderfully after us.

And when i tuck my little two in for bed and pray God keep them safe, they will say "Like the bubble aye mummy!" Yeah and not the kind of bubble that can be popped but like a force field i expand, their eye growing wider...

God's care for us has been awesome beyond words!

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