August 17, 2015

Kid's Birthdays ~ 2015

Shock horror here I am on my blog! 

I think I've missed a few years of birthdays on here (Does that mean I'm still 40?) It's so great having the record though, as phones die and I lose photos!! 

In birthday season of 2015 (Jan-April) ..... 

Miss E turned 18!!!!! Can you believe it?! 
She's got her licence now and has flown tne nest! Yep she's studying a communications degree in NZ and living with my parents. I've been blessed to fly over a bit this year to see her...& she's coming this way in a couple of weeks. Woohoo!! 
We celebrated her birthday in Sydney before she left -- A lunch with church family & also a party night with her 18 year old friends. 

She has a blog too now at if you want to check it out : ) 

Jay is 16! My not so little boy anymore ...he often gets mistaken for older!
Jay has been into power lifting this year with his dad and done well in a few competitions he's entered. 
It was friends over for pizza and then off to the movies on his 16th ...

Lij has entered the teenage years!! We had fun with a couple of his friends at wet and wild on hs birthday... & He requested lasagne and a cheesecake birthday cake. He's such a good kid and loves anything rugby league. 

Choppy's now 11! My baby!! 
All he could talk about for his birthday was buckets and buckets of KFC.... so all the cuzzies came over (we were in NZ) and that's what went down!! He's got the moves that kid and loves anything sport and music!! 

Becca and my 4 loves!! They're so worth celebrating! xxxxoooo 

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