June 24, 2011

Mum and Dad are here!!!


I'm loving that Mum and Dad are here!!! I was wondering if they'd make it with the ash cloud over NZ ...but Air NZ just flew lower haha!
Speaking of NZ: a tweet by our 'kiwi' singing sensation Brooke Fraser; "My husband is enjoying mocking my accent today. "Ut's a but chully." "Thus bried uz dulushus." "Oh, you're beached ez."
I'm loving that J saw a French stick on the bench tonight and became a French boy :)

Loving having teenage girls in da house! Miss E and our french student Chloe ready to go to'Fuel' (at church) tonight
Loving how "We are living in exciting days ...arena's around the world filling with people seeking, worshipping, celebrating & finding Jesus HE IS ALIVE" -Christine Caine

Loving that we were born for such a time as THIS!

"I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is." -Paisley Jade 


PaisleyJade said...

Yay for your parents being over. We are living in such exciting times - so exciting! Beautiful list of things you're loving. xoxo

Penny said...

Yay!!!!! have a wonderful time x

Little Gumnut said...

Had to laugh at the NZ accent. Couldn't work the last one out!!

Simoney said...

Awww yay for mammy and pa!
Say hi from me ♥
and I'm with Soph.. I couldn't figure the last one of Brooke's NZ-ese out either... what is it BEcs??

Stacey said...

Oh my goodness I LOVE your French boy!
Haha! Classic kids huh?
And YES friend, we are born for such a time as this. THIS!
How blessed are we! And WHAT a responsibility.
So stoked to be doing it alongside girls like you xxxx

Gail said...

Hahaha. You know what Becs, your blog is the first one I ever read - and it's right up there as one of my favourites. Snippets of life - truth, passion and love.
You are cool-as.
Enjoy having your ma and pa there. They are truly beautiful people!x