August 16, 2011

Guy talk!

I banged into another single/Christian/school mum in the supermarket aisles this morning and we enjoyed a good yarn. The conversation quickly turned to men and we giggled away at a few similar stories.

I've been single for 3 & 1/2 years now, i knowww! Its actually gone really fast, and there's been so much in my life that's needed to settle ~ ~

My kids wouldn't have been ready for a new man  on the scene before now too. Previously even the thought of me being in a new relationship made them want to watch movies like 'Nanny McPhee' and 'Cheaper by the Dozen' to learn tricks they could perform on anyone that came near me.

They've mellowed a bit lately however, and the boys even discuss the qualities they'd like a potential suitor (for me) to have.

The kids also nickname guys that they think are interested in me :)

There was 'Hot chocolate' ...not because he was hot (noooo) but because I spat out my hot chocolate when Miss E leant over and whispered that he was staring at me.
J named another one Gargamel (From the the Smurfs)& acted out; "I'm having a bad day" [voice then lifts] "H e yyy Rebecca!" [slicking their hair back]
I smiled when I read this on facebook:

"For all you single ladies who are in such a hurry to get married, here's a quick piece of Biblical advice: Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on YOUR Boaz, don't settle for ANY of his relatives: Brokeaz, Poaz, Lyinaz, Cheatinaz, Dumbaz, Cheapaz, Lockedupaz Goodfornothinaz, Lazyaz or Marriedaz and especially his third cousin Beatinyoaz. Please, wait on your Boaz & make sure he respects Yoaz."

As much as it would be nice to have and hold someone I don't want to get involved with the wrong guy out of loneliness. It's not worth it...and I'm worth it!


Sima J said...

ahaha funny nick names!! Sounds like you are very level-headed about the whole thing! I was a single mum for 4 years - Lucky for me God blatantly told me who I would marry so that made it a lot easier .. that is when he finally came to the same conclusion hehe - I think writing down the qualities you want helps (although actually I never did this so I can't really talk!) - and being patient .. sometimes the hardest part! Good luck - I hope you find someone amazing and who will treat you like the queen you deserve to be treated like! xoxo

Penny said...

ha ha made me laugh about Gargemel! Over 3 years
Yes, agree, you are def def worth it!!