February 25, 2010

Getting into 2010

A random post...because I haven't been around here for a week!
...immm, what's up?

We're heading back to NZ in Easter! Such a blessing. As I've relaxed about the whole 'Stuck in Australia' thing God continues to come through for us. Hey we were only there a month ago and will be back in month!!
So excited too to be able to go to SHOUT!

We've got our second meeting about the Manila trip tomorrow night. When a friend first talked about going, I thought I'd love to, but knew it will be a huge stretch financially.

Trusting if it's right....it'll happen!
I twittered the other day: "With Him I am blessed, honoured, standing upright, granted my hearts desires and given life"  
He's been so unbelievably good to us. If not for His grace...

& the word that keeps coming to me for 2010 is "LiVE"
Live Rebecca truly LIVE
"To pursue a positive, satisfying existence; enjoy life,
...have a life rich in experience
...have an interesting life
...to be alive"

So much to awaken and come alive to in 2010!!


Sophie said...

Sounds like so many exciting things are happening! Oh hurrah!

Simoney said...

oooh yay! You're coming back! The Jansens will be in NZ around that time too :)