January 18, 2010

Choppy's 6th birthday...downunder!!

 Choppy started his birthday with breakfast and pressies at his dad's in Australia and finished it with a birthday dinner with the rest of the whanau in NZ!! Look at the table mum laid for him...

Choppy had been counting down the days forever 20, 19, 18....until the BIG one finally arrived~ Yippee!! My little boy who loooves transformers...and has been thrilled to have a stash of birthday money in his wallet as we've traveled here and there. He's such a giver. It was so lovely on holiday when on his own initiative he wrote a card to Mammie and Pa thanking them for the great time, and put in $20 each in it for them. Happy Birthday my super boy!


Weza said...

Happy birthday Choppy! How fun to start your birthday in onw country and finish it in another.

What a very generous son you have! that is impressive stuff.

Gail said...

Fabulous! I love the generosity that has your ENTIRE family demonstrates - not evening trying to, it just flows naturally. Awesome.

Happy birthday Choppy! Have a blessed, wonderful year!

PaisleyJade said...

What a cute guy - and super giving! Your mum puts on a great spread too!!!

Sophie said...

What a generous little chap! Happy Birthday Choppy! Hope you're all enjoying enzed!
Love to all,