June 05, 2010

God is mindful of us!

Last week my I took my frustration out on my journal (& to God) as I wrote; "Lord please help me understand my life!!"

I want to make sense of where I'm now at now: a single mother of 4, living in Australia.

Life here with the kids is mainly really good, and then there's the moments like last weekend when I struggle to handle all four!!!!
God's so gracious though. In the middle of a horrible scene; fighting kids and flaring tempers I cried out to God for "HELP!!" and it was mindblowing how quickly it all resolved itself. Ten minutes later I had little angels sitting around the table making 'House warming' & 'Thank-you' cards...

It was so cute 6 year old Choppy made a card for God and said to me, "Hey mum don't take my card off the driveway I want it to fly up to God"

I had to go out and have a peek at what he'd written, his card; "I thank-you God, you are generous"

It's so true, Gods continues to be so generous to us. In the last few weeks...

~A lady called me and said a café in Bella Vista would like the kids and I to come for breakfast free of charge!

~At the doctors they forgot to charge me $150+ for the injections I've been having  for my trip to the Philippines. They couldn't see it on records, so said not to worry...OK!

~I was wincing in pain for a week when I did stuff like pick up a cup, screw up paper, back the car out of the drive, hang the washing...my wrist I've broken 3x's before killin!! At church when they prayed for needs I put my hand on my wrist and asked God to heal it. It wasn't until that night I realised it was completely healed, NO pain at all!!!

~Our old car whose windows didn't go up and down, needed fixing. I was stumped as to what to do/where to go, so prayed...
God to rescue again: he brought together just the right people and parts. I'd been quoted hundreds of $$, but got the windows & other broken bits in my old car fixed for $50! The wrecker I found in Wilberforce kept telling me I should buy a lottery ticket!

~Then there's the boys bunks that weren't really holding up to my growing boys weight anymore...so I asked God on Tuesday for a new set. On Saturday I picked up the bunks someone gave us! (Along with 4 new dining chairs)
~  ~  ~
>>>And I don't know how I ended up here (I started writing about understanding my life!) but glad we did! We'll figure out my life another day  :)

"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of Him, the son on man that you care for him" Psalm 8:3-4


Sophie said...

Such amazing answers to prayer! God really is very good to us. Fantastic about your wrist!

Widge said...

I so often read your posts with tears prickling my eyes. today was no exception!!
Lately i've been remembering to ask God for seemingly simple things that are just a struggle for us to scrape up at the mo and it is truly AMAZING how He cares about every little thing concerning us.
Love Him! So pleased you have been so blessed :)

Sj said...

You Rock Rebecca
You turned something that was tough into a thanksgiving sacrifice. what an incredible truth has been planted in your heart re thanksgiving, and that is obviously getitng into your kids minds and hearts!
you are amazing, thanks for sharing. xx

Anonymous said...

I love how generously you share your life, your thanks and your love for your children and family yet still acknowledge the imperfection in living in this world as we do. You are a constant reminder of Gods grace and the value of honour.
I'll say it again, you are inspiring.
Thank you :o)