May 20, 2009

He calms my soul

Fire burning, dinner in the crock-pot, banana muffins in the oven, reheating pumpkin soup for lunch...loving being at home this cold and rainy morning.

I roller-coasted from the high of a fantastic weekend into a really upsetting time on Monday morning...

So fortunate to have God as a calming influence in my life (Think I'd go nuts otherwise!)

He gives peace in the storm, brings comfort to my heart&assures me that everything's going to be alright when tears are flowing. Where would I be without Him?!

"...and~ through~ it~ all~ you~ calm~my~ soul..."
(A line from a song on the latest United CD)


Sophie said...

Thinking of you!

GB said...

We are so fortunate to have Him. I hope the rest of the week has gone from strength to strength!x